Harbin : colder than the freezer

Publié le par Raph-en-chine

The last two days were the coldest I’ve been through, as I was visiting Alberto and Sun in Harbin (with Ian and Hongyan!).

Harbin: -30 to -15°C for the average winter temperature…

Maximum periode of time outside: 1 hour

I took the train from Dalian, 1 night sitting to go and to come back,


The rubber around the windows was frozen INSIDE the train. As I tried to sleep close to the window, my coat has been taken into the ice; I was stuck on the table! I started to think what could happen if the heating system went down…


The city is close close to the Songhua River (frozen), which allow a lot of ice activities like skating, sliding toboggan, or driving small tanks on the ice????



City if filled with a lot of sculpture made of ice or snow, all along the streets, you found thoses kind of lanterns



Alberto and Sun cooking :D



We put some fireworks, I think in our western country you cannot find those kinds of big ones (and those are pretty small!!!). I got these for around 5 euros, if you want the big box, it will cost around 30 euros, and you will have some really high, really powerful fireworks!

Nice two days, especially because it makes me feel back to last year in Xi’an (5 ex-xi’an students).




Thank you guys!!




Only in Harbin, the special car carpet “Louis Vuitton”



Publié dans Vie à Dalian

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